Overturned (RANTS)

October 23, 2009

selfportrait Overturned (Written in English 12/07/2007)


 So last night I am driving home from Alberton to find another truck overturned on a specific circle onramp where trucks overturn regularly. The only thing that still surprised me was the support from the Ekurhuleni Police.


There were three bystanders, probably including the driver of the truck, standing around looking overwhelmed. The huge green cylinders that came off the back of the truck was strewn everywhere. Each motorist had to pick their own way through the debris to finally get onto the highway.


There was a police car at the scene. What were missing, I thought, were some orange cones, flashing blue lights to warn oncoming speeding motorists and perhaps someone waving a flashlight about.


No, our Ekurhuleni policeman was slouched comfortably in his car chatting away on his cellular phone. Perhaps he was calling for assistance? Who knows? To me it rather looked like a conversation with a girlfriend or a wife. The least he could have done was switch on his blue lights.

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